Jane Fonda: I Will Go to My Grave with 'Unforgivable Mistake': "Fonda said she knew immediately that she had made a mistake and has apologized repeatedly, both privately and publicly.
She told OWN program “Oprah’s Master Class” that the event happened on the last day of her visit. She was tired, she said, and didn’t want to attend.
"I don't know if I was set up or not,” she said. “I was an adult. I take responsibility for my actions."
The soldiers sang a song and Fonda joined in with her “feeble Vietnamese.”
As everyone was laughing and singing, Fonda was led to a gun site, where she sat down.
“And I was laughing and clapping, and there were pictures taken."
As she walked away, Fonda says she suddenly realized that the pictures would be seen in the United States — and they would not look good."
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